As a parent, no one knows better than you just how quickly the years of
childhood speed by… but these days your children’s lives are more and more
devoured by game consoles and television screens. Creating strong family memories
requires time, dedication, and an activity to bring you together.
An activity like flying a kite.
And there is no better kite to get your kids started than our Huge Rainbow Kite.
Unlike typical kites, it’s purposely designed to be stable and easy to launch in
nearly every type of wind from a light breeze to a stiff blow. Versatile and stable,
it’s a great platform for you and your kids to be told the bits and bobs of kite
handling before stepping up to more complicated models.
They’ll build strength and coordination handling the kite, launching and recovering
it, and learning how to care for it in several types of wind. They’re going to feel the surge
of pride in themselves when they get to launch the Huge Rainbow Kite wingspan airborne.
And most importantly, They’re going to understand that doing it with you, as a family.
Order your Huge Rainbow Kite today, and plan your first excursion for next weekend.
You may not regret it-we promise.